Saturday, July 18, 2009

What has happened to My America?

Sorry Guys but I just need to vent over this latest insanity from our "New Government". Last year, Yes I know it was under a different President, the US Government bailed out Wall Street to the tune of $700 Billion. This year again the Government comes to the rescue of GM and Chrysler to the tune of close to $700 Billion. GM and Chrysler haven't a car worth a crap in years. I drive down the highways here in the Pacific Northwest and can count on 1 hand the number of Chrysler cars I see. If it weren't for Dodger trucks and Jeeps, Chrysler wouldn't even be a presence on the US market.

Now CIT comes along as says "We're in trouble!" With the economy in it's current state those we loan money to are defaulting on their loans. Until, last week I'd never even heard of CIT. Lord knows I'm no financial genius but when I researched CIT I discovered they are the lending institution that allows 90% of the retailers in the US to borrow money in order to bring seasonal goods into their stores with the idea that after the season they will repay them, I wonder how can we allow CIT to fail.

Math was never my strong suit but when I read from several different finical advisers that CIT funds 99.9% of the small to medium business in this country and then to find President Obama's advisers are telling him to allow CIT to fold. I wonder what the hell did we get ourselves into.

When you stop and realize that the Government funded, on the tax payers backs, the $1.4 Trillion bailout of lending institutions and auto mfg that account for aprox .1% of the business in the United States and are willing to turn their backs on a single institution that can impact 99.9% of the business we deal with daily. You have to stop and wonder what has happened to My United States of America.

Yet, President Obama has the nerve to stand in front of the NAACP convention and tell then that Americans need to "Seize their Destiny." My question is WHAT DESTINY?

If you're the common everyday working man, your Destiny went to Wall Street and GM and Chrysler. Making it all but impossible to Seize it.

I guess somewhere along the way the classes became to closely mingled, so with the Governments help we'll make sure the Rich get Richer and those of us who work to be able to provide for our families, we know exactly where we stand.

The one thing my Dad told me that I will always remember is "Crap doesn't flow uphill, and Fridays Payday", well Dad at least one part of your statement remains true.

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