Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001 Never Forget

Sept.11, 2001 is one of those days in our lives that we can tell you exactly where we were and what we were doing. I remember waking up to the alarm at 5:45 PDT and the DJ saying "we have no idea what's going on in New York City but please be in prayer for all those involved." My wife and I looked at each other, like what on earth is he talking about. We both jumped out of bed and headed to the living room to turn on the TV. We were greeted with images of the first tower on fire, then seconds later the second jet liner struck the second tower. We both collapsed to the floor it total disbelief of what we had just witnessed. Then the reports of a 3rd jet liner had crashed into the Pentagon. We knew it wasn't just a bad dream that we couldn't wake up from.

As we drove to work we continued to listen to the reports of the towers collapsing from their own weight caused by the weakening of the steel structures from the jet fuel fed fires. It was one of te quietest drives I've ever taken. It was impossible to get your mind around how such things could happen anywhere let alone in the United States. The one thing we knew was someone had brought the war to our shores.

For us the entire situation was very surreal as we had been in New York in November of 2000 for a company function. Some of our group had gone to the World Trade Center Towers on our free day from the company functions. We choose to walk from the Plaza Hotel, which was the host hotel for the event, down to the Empire State Building. It was a beautiful day, a light jacket was all that was required. From the observation deck of the Empire State building we could see for miles. To the south of us we could barely see the WTC towers through the high level fog. The photo we have is a very ghostly image of the Towers through the fog.

That Saturday was Veteran's Day, we stood with thousands and watched the Parade to honor those who had served in the defense of our great nation. One group of marchers that drew my attention was the FDNY. They looked fantastic in their dress uniforms, and you knew just by they way they presented themselves they were proud of the service they render to the city. After Sept.11th I've often wondered if any of those Firefighters who we photographed in the parade were no longer with us due to the events of that day.

Never forget, the lives that were lost that day or those lost since. To do so would cheapen their lives and dishonor them.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What has happened to My America?

Sorry Guys but I just need to vent over this latest insanity from our "New Government". Last year, Yes I know it was under a different President, the US Government bailed out Wall Street to the tune of $700 Billion. This year again the Government comes to the rescue of GM and Chrysler to the tune of close to $700 Billion. GM and Chrysler haven't a car worth a crap in years. I drive down the highways here in the Pacific Northwest and can count on 1 hand the number of Chrysler cars I see. If it weren't for Dodger trucks and Jeeps, Chrysler wouldn't even be a presence on the US market.

Now CIT comes along as says "We're in trouble!" With the economy in it's current state those we loan money to are defaulting on their loans. Until, last week I'd never even heard of CIT. Lord knows I'm no financial genius but when I researched CIT I discovered they are the lending institution that allows 90% of the retailers in the US to borrow money in order to bring seasonal goods into their stores with the idea that after the season they will repay them, I wonder how can we allow CIT to fail.

Math was never my strong suit but when I read from several different finical advisers that CIT funds 99.9% of the small to medium business in this country and then to find President Obama's advisers are telling him to allow CIT to fold. I wonder what the hell did we get ourselves into.

When you stop and realize that the Government funded, on the tax payers backs, the $1.4 Trillion bailout of lending institutions and auto mfg that account for aprox .1% of the business in the United States and are willing to turn their backs on a single institution that can impact 99.9% of the business we deal with daily. You have to stop and wonder what has happened to My United States of America.

Yet, President Obama has the nerve to stand in front of the NAACP convention and tell then that Americans need to "Seize their Destiny." My question is WHAT DESTINY?

If you're the common everyday working man, your Destiny went to Wall Street and GM and Chrysler. Making it all but impossible to Seize it.

I guess somewhere along the way the classes became to closely mingled, so with the Governments help we'll make sure the Rich get Richer and those of us who work to be able to provide for our families, we know exactly where we stand.

The one thing my Dad told me that I will always remember is "Crap doesn't flow uphill, and Fridays Payday", well Dad at least one part of your statement remains true.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lack of a Creditable Witness does not equal Not Guilty

Yesterday Portland Mayor Sam Adams found out that the Oregon State Attorney General John Kroger would not be filing charges against him for Illegal Sexual Intercourse or Contact. The problems arose for Adams in 2005 after meeting and having "dates" with then 17 year old Beau Breedlove.

The Attorney Generals office found no creditable witnesses to the events of these "dates". Breedlove, himself lost creditability due to his ever changing story. Breedlove's story changed dramatically over the course of six different interviews with several different agencies, including the media and the Department of Justice.

The one part of the story that the DOJ seemed to miss was the part where Adams ask Breedlove to publicly lie about their relationship. They also seemed to miss the fact that Adams allegedly paid Breedlove $750 to keep his silence. All while Adams ran for the seat of Portland Mayor. Once more the legal system ends up with a black eye for not doing the right thing. It goes to prove if you have enough money to hold up proceedings long enough you to can get away with poor choices.

Breedlove's creditability came under attack due to his ever changing story, financial and celebrity gains and past criminal history. If it were not for these things, we would be faced with a much different outcome today.

Having sat here in Portland for the past 7+ months and listening to the ongoing reports and the investigation, Adams dodged a bullet. I have no doubt if this had been a case of a teacher being sexually involved with a 17 year old female student his butt would be sitting in jail today.

If this isn't enough about Adams and his poor choices in the past couple of years, he is also being sued by former press secretary Wade Nkrumah for remakes Adams made following Nkrumah's resignation. Then Adams' home and rental properties show up on a Pre-Foreclosure list last week. When ask about the pending auction of the properties in October, Adams replied that he had significant legal bills that had to paid upfront because of the Attorney Generals investigation.

A recall effort will start on July 7th. Dependin upon which report you subscribe to somewhere between 32,000 and 50,000 signatures are requires to add the recall election to the November ballot. Jasun Wurster told the Oregonian newspaper yesterday, "This report is by no means an exoneration of Adams' conduct. The citizens of Portland will have an opportunity to hold Sam Adams accountable." Let's hope so Jasun, let's hope so.

Link to the Attorney General's Report:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Supporting The Hobby

Yesterday I attend a Model Car Contest. That may not seem like a big thing but yesterday was Mother's Day. Not exactly the best day of the year to hold a contest for a hobby that is considered by most as a male dominated hobby. There were less then 200 models on the tables. Some were great builds others not so much but they were still supporting the hobby that we all love. The big winner when the awards were handed out was a woman a Mom to be exact. Who would have ever thought that a woman model builder would clean the boy's clocks at a Model Car Contest on Mother's Day of all things.
It turns out that model building isn't just a guys thing anymore there are more and more women builders attending contest and show. And, they are excellent builders. It's not surprising when you think about it as most have been building for several years before they venture out into the light of day. They have honed their skills, they know how to get around obstacles of a build. Most of these women don't come into the shows and contests with the same attitude as the guys. Ego, is not the reason they even enter the contest. They're there to showcase their skills. They are a gracious at winning as they are losing.

Perhaps, there's something to be said for holding a Model Car Contest on Mother's Day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Unconditional Love

Life is a funny thing, just when you think you have it figured out it throws you a curve ball when you're looking for a fast ball.

We adopted a couple of retired Greyhounds through Greyhound Pets of America a few years back. The oldest was 7 when we brought her home. She had won a couple of big races so she became a brood bitch, basically a puppy mill for future generation of racers. Because of her life in the kennel she had lost many of her teeth due to calcium loss from so many litters of puppies. She had been passed over by many a potential adopter because of her tooth loss. Her tongue always hung out the side of her mouth. She always had a goofy look because of her tongue.

She had grown deaf over the years, it had gotten to the point where you had to walk up to her in the backyard to even let her know it was time to come in. Old age was catching up to her, it made no difference how much glucosamine you added to her food she was having troubles even standing. Over the last month she had pretty much stopped eating and was loosing weight. At her paek she weighted 65 pounds.

This past Saturday morning she had this look on her face like "It's Time". We called our Veterinarian and made an appointment for later in the day. When we entered the vets office we put her on the scale she was down to 47 pounds. We were escorted to one of the exam rooms where the process was explained to us. The vet gave her a sedative to make her comfortable. Then the katimine was administered, she took one more deep breath then she was gone.

We had almost 6 years with Gretchen in our house, all she ever ask for in return for her Unconditional Love was to have her ears scratched. We are grieving her passing as is our other Greyhound as his companion of the past 6 years is no longer here to steal his bed and cookies.

So, here I sit 48 hours later, tears running down my face over a goofy Greyhound who's tongue always hung out the side of her mouth.

Life is a funny thing!