Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Cost Containment" The new buzz phrase for "We no longer need your services"

Seems just when you think that corporate American can't sink any lower they prove that you're wrong.

The new buzz phrase seems to be "Cost Containment." This is a phrase I first heard last week in a company wide memo letting us all know that we needed to do what ever we could to insure corporate assets were used prudently. Monday of this week I was invited to a "Planning Meeting" conference call. As my manager and I had been discussing how we were going to ramp up training for the technicians of the company we had just bought I thought nothing of it. At the set time I called him on his cell as directed. He ask if I was on my desk phone, I told him I was on my cell, at which point I was directed to go to my office and wait for his call. This seems a little strange, but I still thought nothing of it. My desk phone ring I answer it to find not only my manager but the director of Educational Service on the call. We exchange pleasantries at which time I am told to answer my door as it is the local HR rep. My first thought is what the hell did I do now!

Now there are 4 of us on this call 2 here in Portland and 2 in Atlanta. I am ask if I had gotten the memo about "Cost Containment" which of course I had. At this point I am informed that the Regional Training Center which I am in charge of will be closing at the end of the business day, in about 45 minutes, and that there is no place for me in the company as there is no longer a direct service organization in the NW.

Turns out that 2 of my fellow trainers were let go the same way the same day. 300+ people lost there jobs in one day. For a company of 17,000 people that is a pretty small number considering the economy unless you're one of the 300+ then it's pretty significant.

Life goes on, bills to be paid, a new President, and the chance to find a better job then the last.

Now "Cost Containment" becomes a personal issue. How to contain the cost of living on a severance package that will last only 5-6 weeks until the next job offer.

God is in control, and that's a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let's make this short and sweet. Today is election day in the United States. Today we determine who will lead our country for at least the next 4 years. No matter the weather, no matter how long the lines VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I strongly believe that if you don't vote you allow someone else to make your decision for you. If you don't vote you give up your right to complain about the way the Congress and new President runs the country.

It comes down to vote or go with what the rest of us decide.

Time to put up or shut-up.