Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have you had enough yet?

As someone in their early 50's I have had the privilege of voting in the Presidential Election for the last 7 times. This political season has been the nastiest most mean spirited I have ever seen. There have been time I was ashamed to admit that I even voted in the last election.

Here in Oregon our Senatorial race is between incumbent Gordon Smith and contender Jeff Merkley. The campaign has been down right evil between these two. But, of late it has gotten to the point of flat out lying. We try to teach our children the differences between right and wrong then those who we elect display the opposite message. The election this year has turned into which candidate do you trust the least. It is no longer a question of which is the best qualified person for the job but, how much can you smear the other guy and look like you're the victim.

Here we vote by mail, I'm beginning to believe that the broadcaster on the local Country Music station has the right idea. He is registered independent, his take on the election this year is to vote for the other guy based on the last negative commercial you either watched or heard. If we all voted this way perhaps the people who run the government would get the idea that we've had it with the mud slinging.

So if you are registered independent vote for the other guy based on the last negative commercial you hear before you cast your vote.

This country was founded on the principles that if you work hard you would be rewarded, now we elect people to the Senate, to Congress and the President that if we sat across from them in a job interview we wouldn't even consider hiring them.

Tonight Barak Obama is presenting himself in a 30 minute infomercial. How is it good for the American public for a candidate to invest in 30 minutes of broadcast time at 1 Million dollar per network. As I understand it he will be seen on 7 different networks. You do the math. Yet, tonight in homes across this great nation there will be children who will go to bed hungry. I guess I must be one of those people who doesn't get it.

Our great nation is in trouble!!!! Next Tuesday we will choose a new President. I pray that we will survive the next 4 years, the choices we make next week will determine if we do.

No matter if you are standing with Barak Obama or John McCain. Make your voice heard next Tuesday. It's a privilege we as Americans need to exercise.

God Bless America and keep us all safe.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Scale Auto Builder Ass'n

This past Sunday night was the monthly meeting of SABA. The meetings are normally attended by 10-15 of the club members. This past Sunday was an exception to the rule. With the passing Bob Paeth, of one of the club founders, there were over 35 members. We spent the 90 minutes of the meeting telling stories of how Bob had impacted our lives. It's amazing how someone who was everyone's friend is missed.
SABA and it's members will continue to represent the hobby that Bob spent most of his adult life promoting.
SABA was founded in 1983 in Bob and Jan Paeth's basement. Bob along with Ron Martinolich and Bob Robinson were the original members. All three have continued as members over the past 25 years.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lost a friend today

A good friend was called home today. His name is Bob Paeth, I have known Bob for the past 16 years. Bob was one of those people who was every one's friend. If you met Bob either in person, on the phone or by email you had a friend for life.
Bob, was diagnosed with lung cancer late last year. He had surgery in April. Since that time he has had to take medication for a blood clotting problem, a by-product of the surgery. Sunday night one of those clots made it's way to his brain, Bob suffered what the hospital called "catastrophic seizures". Bob, never regained consciousness. This morning at 7:15 God figured his body had suffered enough and called him home.
Bob, showed every one he met the kind of respect we all want but seldom ever get. It's not that often you get to see a living example of human kindness.
My friend your passing has left a void in every life that you touched. We are all better people because of your friendship. But, we miss you terribly.